Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the best order to take the course?
We recommend following the included PDF workbook for proper onboarding timing and order. The workbook recommends that you schedule your new hires learning days accordingly. For example, in your work calendar, you would schedule Monday June 6th to learn Section A. In the workbook it will specify how much time should be blocked out for the new assistant to watch videos and how much time should be blocked out for an onboarding assistant to help train. By scheduling and following the order you will continue to make progress towards competency at a quicker rate. An alternative method of going through the program that is also very successful is to have the new hired assistant take the first week of employment, a 32-40 hour work week and complete the entire training before working in the clinic. This includes passing all quizzes and final exam! Then use the onboarding pdf check lists included in the course to provide reinforced hands on training in the clinic.
2. How many licenses do I get? How long do I have access?
Your purchase comes with 8 individual logins, including your master license that you used to purchase the course. Once you purchase the course, you will be given special instructions to set your assistants up with their own login. If any assistants leave your practice, it is requested that you email [email protected] the assistants first/last name and email and practice name/doctor name and we will remove their license. Your membership purchase is for active lifetime ownership (the life time of Orthovated as a business). There is no renewal fee.
3. How should my advanced assistants take the course?
This course is going to be helpful for new and advanced assistants! For advanced assistants, I would recommend reviewing the syllabus and selecting the topics you would like them to cover. This way they can skip introductory topics such as dental numbering or dental anatomy. All team members will benefit from learning the Orthovated Philosophy. On the other hand, it would be ideal to have your new hired advanced assistants verify competency in every category in the workbook to ensure competency calibration on your team.
4. How many lessons are there? Are there updates?
The syllabus is constantly growing and new content is being added regularly. At this time the assistant course has over 80 powerful lessons ranging from 2 minutes to 60 minutes each in length. Updates are added to your library automatically at no additional fee to you. If you were to watch the entire course from start to finish without setting time aside for quizzes or study it would take approximately 19 hours.
5. I noticed a topic is not on the syllabus, will you be adding this topic in the future?
Although the course is VERY thorough, there are naturally going to be unique topics that are not included because they are more specific to your practice. If you do not see a topic in the syllabus, it is important to note that the concepts you are looking for are very likely addressed (indirectly, yet thoroughly) through various lessons in the syllabus. If there is a topic that you would like to see added, please email your feedback to [email protected]! Our goal is to address the needs of our members!
6. What if I need more than 8 licenses?
Your membership is designed for private practice and up to 8 logins is sufficient in most cases. If you need more than 8 logins or you have multiple clinics there are pricing options available at $200 per additional login per year. Schedule a short google meet/zoom strategy meeting to receive pricing to meet your needs.
7. Which typodont is used during this course?
We use the braces manakin from Buyamag Inc and can be purchased at https://www.buyamag.com. We love this typodont because it is VERY sturdy and in our experience, brackets do not break after extensive routine practice.
8. How do I prepare my assistants to take the course?
Our mission at Orthovated is to teach our assistants the science behind orthodontics so that they can love this profession as much as we do! We believe in the orthovated philosophy of confidence, competence, emotional, and positive intelligence! Furthermore, without knowing the WHY for every orthodontic procedure, our job satisfaction is diminished and burnout sets in. When introducing this course to your team, share the mission. Encourage your assistants to take the course seriously, get organized with a binder or note book, set a goal for how long it will take to complete the course (WRITE IT DOWN), take notes, study, and implement what they have learned. In our experience, the learning curve will be reduced by > 50%
9. Is there a way to purchase less than 8 licenses?
For offices that need anywhere between 1-8 licenses, there is only one pricing package at this time. There are no options to purchase less licenses. If you need more licenses there are pricing options available. Schedule a strategy meeting to receive your pricing package for offices that need more than 8 licenses.
10. Will I still need to train my assistants after taking the course?
This course is going to cut your assistants learning curve exponentially, enhance their job satisfaction, and alleviate the training strain on your practice! It is a vital supplement to your training process; however, it is not designed to replace chair side training, but rather guide it with a proven onboarding process and checklist. Procedures and concepts are explained and taught but hands on training is still required to reinforce and achieve competency.

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